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Preparing your Child for Secondary School

Preparing your Child for Secondary School

Advice | January 2, 2023

Starting secondary school can be a nerve-wracking experience for children, as it often marks a significant transition in their lives.

Whether your child going ahead in a grammar school or a different type of secondary school, it cannot be easy for them.

They may be leaving behind the familiarity and comfort of their primary school, and entering a new environment with older students, more subjects, and a higher level of academic expectations.

It’s natural for children to feel anxious about these changes, but as a parent, there are things you can do to help your child overcome their nervousness and start secondary school with confidence.

Preparing for secondary school can be stressful

Take into account your child’s emotions

First and foremost, it’s important to validate your child’s feelings and let them know that it’s normal to feel anxious about starting a new school.

Reassure them that it’s okay to feel nervous and that you are there to support them.

Encourage open communication and encourage your child to share their fears and concerns with you.

This will help them feel heard and understood, and can also give you a better understanding of what specifically is causing them anxiety.

Familiarity with the new school can go a long way

One way to help your child feel more prepared for secondary school is to familiarize them with the new environment and routines.

If possible, take a tour of the school and meet the teachers ahead of time.

This can help your child feel more comfortable and confident when they start school, as they will have a better sense of what to expect.

You can also practice new routines, such as waking up earlier or getting ready for school in the morning, so that your child is more prepared for the changes that come with starting secondary school.

Focus on the positives

Another way to help your child overcome their nervousness is to focus on the positive aspects of starting secondary school.

Talk to your child about the new opportunities and experiences that they will have in secondary school, such as the chance to explore new subjects, join clubs and sports teams, and make new friends.

Encourage your child to look at starting secondary school as an exciting adventure, rather than something to be afraid of.

Establish a strong support system

It’s also important to establish a strong support system for your child as they start secondary school.

This may include teachers, mentors, or other trusted adults who can provide guidance and support.

Encourage your child to reach out to these people if they need help or have questions.

In addition, consider connecting with other parents of children starting secondary school, as this can provide a sense of community and support for both you and your child.

Develop good study habits

One of the biggest challenges for children starting secondary school is often the increased academic demands.

To help your child succeed in their studies, it’s important to establish good study habits and routines at home.

This may include setting aside dedicated study time, creating a quiet and organized study space, and helping your child develop effective time management skills.

You can also work with your child’s teachers to identify any areas of weakness and develop a plan to address them.

A little encouragement never hurts

Finally, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude and encourage your child to do the same.

A supportive and encouraging home environment can make a big difference in your child’s confidence and success as they start secondary school.

Encourage your child to believe in themselves and their abilities and remind them that they have the support and resources they need to succeed.

Exam Stress

In conclusion, starting secondary school can be a nerve-wracking experience for children, but as a parent, there are steps you can take to help your child overcome their nervousness and start school with confidence.

This includes validating their feelings, familiarising them with the new environment and routines, focusing on the positive aspects of starting secondary school, establishing a strong support system, establishing good study habits, and maintaining a positive attitude.

By following these tips, you can help your child navigate the transition to secondary school and set them up for success.

About Tuition Tree

Tuition Tree is a tutoring company located in Edgbaston, Birmingham, with a mission to help students in the Midlands and London pass their 11 Plus exams and achieve successful admission into grammar schools since the early 2010s.

Our aim is to empower each student to become a self-assured, motivated learner with a strong passion for education.

We take pride in our rapid growth, which is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and all our students.

Our rigorous tutor selection process ensures that we match each student with the best tutor based on their individual needs for the best results.

All of our tutors are qualified, experienced, and DBS-checked.

Tuition Tree provides private tuition services in English, Mathematics, and Science for students in Years 1 to 13.

Our services include both group classes and private 1-1 sessions that cover all topics outlined in the latest National Curriculum.

We also offer specialised revision classes that cater to upcoming exams such as 11 Plus (GL and CEM style), KS2 end-of-year assessments (previously SATs), and GCSEs.

Our 84% success rate demonstrates our ability to give your child the best possible chance of achieving a high mark in their exam.

Since every student is unique, we tailor our plans to their needs and focus on strengthening their weaknesses.


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