11 Plus Registration is now open. Apply Here

West Midlands Grammar Schools Grammar Schools 11-Plus

Guide for students seeking entry into a West Midlands Grammar Schools Grammar School - September 2026

All the information you will need for applying to West Midlands Grammar schools for a 2026 entry, and preparing for the West Midlands 11-plus exam.

We have also provided useful information for each of the Grammar Schools which you will find on this page, or by using the drop down menu.

West Midlands Grammar Schools

West Midlands Grammar Schools

Select one of the schools below to see specific information on the school, the admissions policy, and lots more.


​​​​​​​King Edward VI Aston School Logo

King Edward VI Aston School

Bishop Vesey Logo

Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School

King Edward VI Camp Hill School Logo

King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys

King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls

King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls

King Edward VI Five Ways School Logo

King Edward VI Five Ways School

King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys Logo

King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys

King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls Logo

King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls

Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls Logo

Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls


Shropshire, Wallsall, & Wolverhampton

Haberdashers’ Adams Grammar School

Haberdashers’ Adams Grammar School

Newport Girls' High School

Newport Girls’ High School

Queen Mary’s Grammar School

Queen Mary’s Grammar School

Queen Mary’s High School

Queen Mary’s High School

Wolverhampton Girls' High School

Wolverhampton Girls’ High School



Alcester Grammar School

Alcester Grammar School

King Edward VI School

King Edward VI School

Lawrence Sheriff School

Lawrence Sheriff School

Rugby High School

Rugby High School

Stratford Girls’ Grammar School

Stratford Girls’ Grammar School

Ashlawn School

Ashlawn School


West Midlands Grammar Schools 11-Plus: Important Info

Here is some key information and dates to note when considering applying for your chid’s enrolment into a West Midlands Grammar School. Some information may vary per school, please select a school for specific information.

How to register: See here 11-plus Registration Opens: May 2024 11-plus Registration Closes: 4pm, 30th June 2024 Exam Date: September 2024 Exam Board: GL Assessment Exam Type: Multiple Choice (two papers) Results: 20th October (typically) Apply for Schools: via your local authority website (Birmingham, Warwickshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton) National School Offer Day: 1st March 2025

What is the West Midlands 11+ examination?

The West Midlands 11 plus test is an admissions test utilised by UK grammar schools (public selective secondary schools) to assess a child's academic aptitude and determine if they are suited for a grammar school environment. Children can take this exam in September while they are in Year 6.

What is the West Midlands Grammar Schools partnership?

Starting in 2023, the 11+ testing procedure is jointly conducted by grammar schools in Birmingham, Warwickshire, Shropshire, Walsall, and Wolverhampton. You only need to register once, and your child only needs to take a single test to apply to grammar schools across these regions. The results are shared, and each school applies its own admission policies.


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Closest Grammar Schools to Me

The distance that you live from your preferred Grammar school can be a big factor in securing a place. Enter your postcode on the map below to see which grammar schools are closest to you.

All Schools

Alcester Grammar School
Ashlawn School
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
Haberdashers’ Adams Grammar School
King Edward VI Aston School
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls
King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys
King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls
King Edward VI School
Lawrence Sheriff School
Newport Girls’ High School
Queen Mary’s Grammar School
Queen Mary’s High School
Rugby High School
Stratford Girls’ Grammar School
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls
Wolverhampton Girls’ High School

How to Apply to West Midlands Grammar Schools

This particular school shares a common entrance test and admissions process with 18 other grammar schools in Birmingham, Warwickshire, Shropshire, Wallsall, and Wolverhampton. This means that your child is only required to take one exam in order to apply to any of these schools.

1: Register for the West Midlands 11-plus test

When your child reaches Year 5, sign them up for the 11 plus through the West Midlands Grammar Schools portal. Registration begins at 9am on the May 2024, and concludes at 4pm on 31st October 2024 .

If your child is a recipient of Pupil Premium, make sure to indicate this on the registration form and provide the necessary documentation. This will give your child priority in accordance with the school's admission criteria.

2: Apply for School Places

Once your son or daughter has taken the 11-plus exam, you will receive the results in mid-October.

If your child receives a mark of or above, they can put this, and other grammar schools on their local authority application form.

The application form must be submitted by 31st October 2024 .

Before listing this school as a preference, you see the admissions criteria here

Select the area in which you live below to see which local authority you should use for your application.

3: National school offer day

On 1st March 2025 you will receive notification of the school where your child has been admitted. Your highest-ranked school preference that matches their qualifications and has available spots will be the school they are assigned to. In the event that none of your preferred schools have vacancies, an alternative school in your vicinity will be designated. .

What's on the West Midlands 11-plus Exam in West Midlands Grammar Schools?

The exam will take place on the September 2024.

The West Midlands 11 plus test is provided by GL Assessment and consists of two papers, each taking approximately 60 minutes to complete. A brief period is allotted at the start of each paper for students to receive instructions and complete ungraded practice questions.

Each paper is subdivided into separately timed sections that evaluate students’ abilities in:

  • English comprehension
  • Mathematics
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Non-verbal reasoning

The test is exclusively in multiple-choice format, with no written portions. Students record their responses in a separate answer booklet that is graded electronically.

The mathematics and English questions examine students’ knowledge of Key Stage 2 national curriculum material, including Year 6 targets. It evaluates their ability to reason and apply their knowledge accurately.

The reasoning questions assess students’ logical and problem-solving abilities. Verbal and non-verbal reasoning are usually not taught in school. They are designed to measure how well students can detect patterns, connect ideas, and manipulate written and visual information.

If you would like to understand your child’s current 11-plus readiness better, book a Free Assessment with Tuition Tree.

Helpful Reading


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